Thursday, November 18, 2010


Chitra gave me these flowers. She wrote the name down as rajneekandh but said it might have a g. I found them as Rajanigandha, and the photo is the same.

Here's a photo of Pradnya, me, Hema and Chitra:

Here's a cool photo showing all five kids, doing various things:

More about the flower:

I saw some in Hawaii, too, and I think they might have been what the lei was made of that Jihong brought when she met me at the airport. It feels the same and smells like Hawaii to me. :-)

1 comment:

Deb Lewis said...

Your Rajnigandha are called Polianthes Tuberosa here, and florists just call them tuberose.

That's a very nice picture of you and your flowers.
